Advanced Platform Technology Center
Dr. Kath Bogie's Lab Staff
Hao Chong
Hao Chong was born in Tianjin, China and received the B.E. in measuring and control technology and instruments from Tianjin University in 2015. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Since 2017, Hao has been a Research Assistant at Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. His research interests include the development of biomedical sensors using carbon black-based polymer materials, fabrication of electrochemical sensors using inkjet printing technology, and non-hermetic packaging technologies for flexible and implantable medical devices.
Joseph Lerchbacker
Joseph Lerchbacker joined the APT Center in 2016, after completing his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. Mr. Lerchbacker has a background in 3D printing and advanced manufacturing. He creates computer models, prototypes, and experimental devices and equipment for a wide variety of APT Center projects. His work includes mechanical testing, data collection, 3D printing of novel materials, and design for manufacture.
Katelyn Schwartz
Katelyn Schwartz joined the APT Center in Dr. Kath Bogie's labs in 2016 as a Research Assistant with a BA in Biology from Ursuline College and a MS in Public Health from Kent State. Ms. Schwartz recently finished nursing school and is a Research Nurse, assisting with Dr. Bogie’s studies at the VA and Case. She will also be assisting with tissue sample processing, CT image analysis, and student training.
Dhruv Seshadri
Dhruv R. Seshadri joined the lab of Dr. Kath Bogie in January 2019 and is currently a Research Engineer at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. He is also a PhD candidate in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University where his research interests lie in the convergence of wearable bioelectronics and data analytics towards assessing human health and performance. Dhruv’s doctoral research focuses on the development of a wearable electroceutic bandage for chronic wound healing. The benchtop development of the bandage, coupled with on-going pre-clinical and clinical studies, enables assessment of the efficacy of the technology in development for his PhD. Dhruv’s previous research experience includes the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute focusing on nanotherapeutics for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer and abdominal aortic aneurysms, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory focusing on 2D-inorganic and organic materials for anodes for lithium-ion batteries, CEA CNRS in Grenoble, France on bio-optoelectronics, University of Grenoble-Alpes on flexible bandages for diabetic foot ulcers, and various pharmaceutical companies in Hyderabad, India focusing on evaluating excipients for oral drug delivery.